Monday, January 23, 2006

Firstiest of Blogs

Alrightio, I'm gonna copy off of Popeye and give my reasons for this site. First, I've had my site for over a year now and it's FULL. So I will just continue on here from where I left off there. I also write because I want to keep my friends up to date. I can't call my homie G slices in Florida every day, so hey... they can read instead lol. And also... I'm kind of KNOWN for my brutally honest personality. lol. I've just always been very open about how I feel, when I was ABLE to express them in words. And... I've been told that I need to keep that open spirit. ;-) And finally, my last reason for this blog site thingy wobie... is that I LOVE TO WRITE!!! One of my BIGGEST dreams is to be able to take my typing ability and my love for writing and my growing experiences... and write books someday. What better way to practice?!